What our clients say about us
Hi, you will be pleased to know that Gary has been able to carry through. Three dump truck loads went today, most of it belonged to him. He voluntarily gave up the single bed and a wardrobe and two bookcases in his computer room, and the book shelf out side the laundry… You have provided the impetus for him to make a huge difference in his home. We are both very grateful that you came to see Gary. Thanks again.
Jennifer and Gary, Ryde
I read ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ but decided it was just too much hard work. I prefer your method - forget about hugging things and kissing things and getting all touchy-feely about stuff. What we own has to be either useful or loved. You have a no-nonsense method which works - with me anyway!
Pam, Chatswood
Dear Suzanne, I attended your seminar last night and decided to start with the sock drawer - tipping it all out... you are amazing. For the last couple of years I have searched for that safe place my grandmother's jewellery was hidden...it just turned up. I had assumed it had gone off to lifeline in the toe of a shoe! Thank you - now back to the socks!
Sue, Castle Hill
I have been doing a lot of sorting and throwing since I last saw you. Keeping me busy, which is good. You have unlocked something in me that makes it easier for me to let go of things and a tool of how to do it.
Paula, Lane Cove
I need your common sense
Lin, Balmain
Inspiring, easy to understand, relevant, informative, practical, interesting, engaging, stimulating, just what I wanted...
'Living with Less' workshop participants
Less Mess provided an excellent workshop on the ABC’s of de-cluttering, organising and sustainably disposing of unwanted stuff. The workshop had a good focus on sustainability in terms of rethinking our consumption habits and making sure that all the stuff we have is necessary. Where stuff is not necessary how we dispose of it sustainably and for the stuff we keep how we get it organised so that we are dealing with it efficiently. The workshop was a good way to engage residents and start conversations about waste issues from a different angle. Susanne was very professional to deal with and was thorough in her preparation and presentation on the day. The workshop was clear and practical and a workshop manual that was provided really helped to focus the ideas and will serve as a good reminder in the future. I found the workshop inspiring because even as a well organised person I learned some good practical ideas to deal with my stuff especially in considering the concept of being organised compared to being tidy.
Tai, Blacktown City Council
Dear Susanne, Thank you so much for traveling to Brisbane to help me sort out my storage units. I really couldn’t have faced it on my own and your enthusiasm and excitement from the very beginning was very infectious. The process was very satisfying, especially nearly filling a rubbish truck with “stuff” that I had been PAYING to store! Another highlight was having the driver of the charity truck THANKING me for the huge donation of goods I was just glad to be relieved of! I have continued utilising the skills I have learned at home and am, for the first time, actually enjoying tackling new areas that need “organising” without being overwhelmed by the thought of it. I must share with you an unexpected serendipity of this process. During the sorting of papers in the storeroom I came across several warranties I hadn’t seen in four years. One was for an expensive DVD recorder that no longer recorded and the other was for a leather sofa suite that now has a tear in it. Both of these items were over five years old but I had forgotten that at the time of purchase, I had paid extra for extended warranties and, for the sofa, a protection plan. I am pleased to report that the DVD recorder I thought I was going to have to replace, was picked up yesterday to be fixed and… today I selected my BRAND NEW leather sofa as apparently mine was faulty! I’m thrilled with this result as well as my new found confidence and skills taught by LESSMESS. Thanks again Susanne.
You’ve got a great phrase there -- ‘Do what you can do best and outsource the rest’ -- that should be a slogan!
Claire, Rozelle
I didn’t believe it first, but getting organised before moving was the best thing ever – we just had to take the boxes and go!!! And it was cheaper too, because we didn’t have to spend money on moving all our junk!! Thank you.
Maia, North Ryde
Susanne is excellent; she is good fun and very understanding. I have found by sorting things out you know where to find them when you need them rather than having to buy new things. So the money you spend, you get back in the long run!
Susan, Mosman
... even a 3 year old is tidying his room
Susan, Kingsgrove, SMS
Dear Susane, You are one of the most incredibly awesome people I've ever met. I just wanted you to know that. I could not have gotten through that checklist walkthrough on Friday without you. ... Please let Norbert know the computer is working perfectly. No glitches left. Thank you for everything.
Love Pamela
Susanne was kind, informative, pragmatic, had a very quick and clear view of who I am as a person and what would best suit me. I felt incredibly lucky that in that first session I was able to understand how and where I can start and the best way emotionally and mentally to motivate me. Ideas on what best suits our family as also how to get them involved and helping. Some repositioning of furniture etc etc. I’m going into the holidays with a clear set path of what I need to do and how. I will be seeking some further advice as I progress. I think a couple of hours of Susanne’s advice can be a game changer.
Belinda, Abbotsford
Yesterday I attended the Living with Less workshop. This wasn't like most 'how to fold and put away your stuff' workshops' which I found really amazing! The focus was around why people accumulate unnecessary items and the mental state created by not just society but our own life history. I was brought to tears by other’s reasons of keeping belongings and why they are making the step to remove things from their lives. There are so many things I had never thought of before hearing people reach out. It wasn't what I was expecting and more than I could have planned for. I'm so glad I had the chance to attend. If you struggle with clutter START. START SMALL. ACCEPT THE UNAVOIDABLE - Don't come up with excuses. Lower your standards - BEING DONE IS BETTER THAN NOT DONE PERFECT.
Mella, Hawksbury
Gentle with people - tough on stuff
Katherina, Five Dock
I had been procrastinating on the project of sorting my stuff out in preparation for selling our house. We had been living there for 20 years, and I had re-invented myself at least three times, so there was a lot of stuff to sort through. I did not know where to start. A friend recommended Susanne. She is really good at listening to what you need and helping you define the project - in fact, ours was to sort enough stuff and de-clutter enough to make the house presentable for market, and manage the process of putting it in storage over the period in between houses. We will do a more thorough sort at sometime, but Susanne helped me to keep my eye on the important goal and not get distracted. And as to the question "where to start" - I think it is simply "right here". It all has to get dealt with, in the end, anyway. Susanne has a way of paying attention and asking questions which help the de-cluttering process without making you feel pressured. Now the house is so organised, I hardly want to leave. Everyday I am pleasantly reminded of Susanne's talents. I'd never have thought it would be worth paying someone to help me get down to this level of detail with organising, but it is fantastic to be able to go to the cupboard and find exactly what I want. I'm looking forward to doing the same with all my office bits and pieces, and all my daughter's "bling".
Madeleine, Lakemba
I just want to thank you again for everything you have done for me and my family. You first entered our lives during a very dark chapter where I was struggling to stay afloat. But i Knew if my physical environment became more organised and therefore easier to manage on a day to day basis that this would help me get my family through the other crisis. And it did. You have been a very important part of what has help us as a family - your organising skills and ideas have brought calm and peace to our living environment. I really can't thank you enough for your professionalism, enthusiasm and kindness.
Mary, Carlingford
Panic! We have to move overseas for my husband's work. Packing up a messy house with years of accumulated clutter was not easy. So we called LessMess. Our house was also needing some renovations before we could rent it out. LessMess gave us practical advice on decor and colour schemes. LessMess then took over the supervision of the renovations after we had left. Susanne supervised new carpets, painting inside and outside the house and various odd handyman jobs. She then organised the house to be cleaned, the rubbish taken and the garden done. Susanne from LessMess is down to earth but totally professional. Everything was done to our absolute satisfaction. The bill was very reasonable too!
Carolyn, Singapore
The sheer amount of clothing in my cupboards used to confuse me and I thought I had nothing to wear! Now that I have put the summer clothes away I have much less in the cupboard but strangely, no urge to buy a lot of clothes. I can see what I've got and where the gaps in my wardrobe are and plan accordingly. It's like magic. I loved getting your worksheets and I am pretty chuffed at the progress In the kitchen I have been putting labels on shelves so I can see instantly where things are (even though I think I "know" where they are) and it has been so helpful when making a shopping list. It is saving me money already. So proud of myself for doing all this. I went to Bunnings and got the new shelf today and have been re organising the linen etc closet. What has amazed me is how much better I am at planning and making the changes we worked out together. I make lists and only get what I need, and if they don't have what I need I don't buy anything! Particularly surprised at how little I really need to buy to get all this done. I have a little list of items to get tomorrow, with measurements. Can't wait to get this place really humming. Susanne, I can't thank you enough. It has actually been FUN! I reorganised my desk drawer tonight and enjoyed it!
Sally-Anne, Drummoyne
P.S. I want to thank you so much for your last visit. A lot was achieved and I felt really good afterwards. It was great for my daughter too actually. She was really proud of the organised toy room. Whenever we had a visitor she gave them a guided tour of the room and explained how all the books had been arranged into categories. Very funny but really a good experience and lesson for her in keeping an area clean and tidy. So a lot of good came from those hours together!!
Camille, Kellyville
I just want to thank you again for everything you have done for me and my family. You first entered our lives during a very dark chapter where I was struggling to stay afloat. But I knew if my physical environment became more organised and therefore easier to manage on a day to day basis that this would help me get my family through the other crisis. And it did. You have been a very important part of what has help us as a family - your organising skills and ideas have brought calm and peace to our living environment. I really can't thank you enough for your professionalism, enthusiasm and kindness.
Sarah, Glenmore Park
Why would anybody spend money on a therapist when this is so much better!